Request a Transfer Quote
Get a quote for each available route to find the best price.
Source chain slug
Token address on source chain.
User's wallet address from source chain.
Destination chain slug.
Token address on the destination chain.
Token symbol on the destination chain.
User's wallet address on the destination chain.
Token amount in minimal divisible unit (Wei)
Token symbol on the source chain.
Optionally set to true or false to identify contract call
Optionally set to any value - to return more verbose details on quote
The percentage of fee charged by partners in Basis Points (BPS) units. This will override the default fee rate configured via platform. 1 BPS = 0.01%. The maximum value is 1000 (which equals 10%). The minimum value is 1 (which equals 0.01%).
Optionally set to true to return all available quotes. By default, we only return the best performing quotes. Much slower speeds
Advanced option to specify exact DEXes to utilize in the quote. This will impact prices and quote availability. If the DEX key is invalid, it will revert to default behaviour. Each dex-aggregator is '|' seperated and then followed by a comma separated list of DEX names for each aggregator. See example: paraswap:Aerodrome|openocean:12
An optional percentage value passed as a decimal between 0 and 1. (i.e 0.02 = 2%). Defaults to 3%. Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage.
Optionally set to true or false to identify cosmos native staking
Optional Contract Address of pre-determined list of Swing Partners
Optional Project Identifier. Will return project-specific quote
Optionally set to true or false to skip gas estimations to speed up quote response times