Checking a Transaction's Status

To fetch the execution status of a transfer, the /status endpoint can be queried. View the full API reference for the /status endpoint here.

The next step in our transaction flow is a status check. You can check the status of a transaction by querying the /status endpoint.

Checking a transaction's status is important because it has two (2) essential functions:

  • It let's you know the current state of your transaction.
  • Most importantly, it also reports the txHash of your transaction to Swing, which enables Swing to track your transaction on the blockchain.

List of Transaction Statuses

Below is a list of statuses that are returned from the transaction status check endpoint.

Not SentThe transaction has been received by Swing but has not yet been authorized/signed by a user's wallet
SubmittedThe transaction has been signed by a user and has been submitted to the blockchain
Pending Source ChainThe transaction has been submitted to the source chain's bridge awaiting confirmation
Pending Destination ChainThe transaction is awaiting confirmation on the destination chain
CompletedThe transaction has been successfully completed and funds have been received on the destination chain
Refund RequiredThe tokens are stuck on the bridge and requires a refund
RefundedThe transaction has been refunded to the user
Failed Source ChainThe transaction failed on the source chain
Failed Destination ChainThe transaction failed on the destination chain
FallbackThe token swap fails on the destination chain and instead of getting the toToken assets, the user gets the bridge token
Claim RequiredThe transaction is still in-progress, but requires a claim step to complete the transfer on the destination chain

It's important to note that if the /status endpoint is not queried at least once after a transaction is sent, the transaction will not appear in the Transactions section of your platform's dashboard. Once the transaction's status has been queried, it will be displayed on your dashboard:


Making a Request


Query Parameters:

id239750Transaction ID from /send response
txHash0x3b2a04e2d16489bcbbb10960a248.....The transaction hash identifier.
projectIdreplugYour project's ID

Sample Request

const result = await axios.get(
    params: {
      id: 239750,
      txHash: '0x3b2a04e2d16489bcbbb10960a248bcbbb1090000..........',
      projectId: 'replug',


  "status": "Completed",
  "refundReason": "",
  "errorReason": null,
  "needClaim": false,
  "bridge": "dodo",
  "txId": "s1712147672836",
  "txStartedTimestamp": 1712147713,
  "txCompletedTimestamp": 1712147713,
  "fromUserAddress": "0x018c15da1239b84b08283799b89045cd476bbbbb",
  "toUserAddress": "0x018c15da1239b84b08283799b89045cd476bbbbb",
  "fromTokenAddress": "0x3c499c542cef5e3811e1192ce70d8cc03d5c3359",
  "fromAmount": "400000",
  "fromAmountUsdValue": "0.4",
  "fromChainId": 137,
  "fromChainSlug": "polygon",
  "fromChainTxHash": "0x0554846ce55a79b5b635230263a7252c6b7749d1c32a845185e5f35d1aeb150b",
  "toTokenAddress": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
  "toAmount": "443119108223201734",
  "toAmountUsdValue": "0.402",
  "toChainId": 137,
  "toChainSlug": "polygon",
  "toChainTxHash": "0x0554846ce55a79b5b635230263a7252c6b7749d1c32a845185e5f35d1aeb150b",
  "updatedAt": "2024-04-03T12:36:46.810Z",
  "createdAt": "2024-04-03T12:34:32.846Z",
  "id": 238617,

Polling Transaction Status

For the sake of user experience, while a live transaction is processing, it’s best to periodically poll the transaction status endpoint to check if the transaction is complete. This will keep your users informed about the status of their transactions in real time.

Let's define a function for checking a transaction's status:

async function getStatus({ id, txHash, projectId }) {
  const result = await axios.get(
      params: {

Polling the transaction status endpoint means that we will be periodically querying the /status endpoint until the status property in the response is no longer one of the following:

  • Submitted
  • Not Sent
  • Pending Source Chain
  • Pending Destination Chain

Once the transaction status does not match any of the following, it indicates that the /send endpoint has returned a status message specifying whether the transaction has failed or completed.

Next, We will use setTimeout() to execute our getStatus() function every 5000 milliseconds recursively until the conditions stated above are met.

const pendingStatuses = [
  'Not Sent',
  'Pending Source Chain',
  'Pending Destination Chain',
const transactionPollingDuration = 5000;
async function pollTransactionStatus({ transId, txHash, projectId }) {
  const transactionStatus = await getTransStatus({
  if (pendingStatuses.includes(transactionStatus?.status)) {
      () => pollTransactionStatus({ transId, txHash, projectId }),
  } else {
      transactionStatus === 'Completed'
        ? 'Transaction Completed'
        : 'Transaction Failed',

Next, we will call our pollTransactionStatus() function right after executing our callData:

const transaction = await sendTransaction();
let txData = {
  from: transaction.tx.from,
  value: transaction.tx.value,
  gasLimit: transaction.tx.gas,
const txHash = await executeTxData(txData);
await pollTransactionStatus({
  projectId: 'replug',