
We're here to help. Swing is a community-driven project and we're always happy to help you get started.

Getting Started

Want to start exploring on your own? Check out our getting started guides.

API Guides

Learn key API principles and how to integrate endpoints into dApps, web or mobile apps.

SDK Guides

Build your own any-to-any cross-chain UI and interact with Swing API & web3 wallets.

Widget Guides

Learn how to embed the cross-chain widget into your app with a few lines of code.


Get started quickly with one of our templates in the examples directory.


Example Templates

Interact with a demo and copy some code to jumpstart your cross-chain development.

Learn about Swing Platform

Get started with Swing Platform and learn how it works.

Chains, Bridges & Liquidity

View a list of supported chains, bridges, tokens and liquidity sources.

Code Audits

Security reviews are critical. View our code audits from leading security auditing firms.