Supported Blockchains, Integrations and Tokens

This growing list of blockchains, bridges and liquidity sources will be updated regularly.

Supported Blockchains


Supported Bridges


Supported Liquidity Aggregators


Swing Aggregator DEXes

EthereumParaswap, Uniswap V2,Sushiswap,Shibaswap
PolygonParaswap, Quickswap, Sushiswap, Dfyn, Dinoswap, Apeswap
BSCParaswap, PancakeSwap, Sushiswap, MDex, Biswap, Apeswap
ArbitrumParaswap, Sushiswap
OptimismParaswap, Sushiswap
FantomParaswap, Spookyswap, Sushiswap, Spiritswap
AvalancheParaswap, PangolinDEX, Sushiswap, TraderJoe
MoonbeamStellaSwap, Beamswap
GnosisSwapr, Honeyswap

Supported Staking Providers


Supported Tokens

See our full token list

If you want to add a custom token that's not on our token list, please get in touch with us on Discord or Telegram. Provide the following information for each token:

  • address
  • chainId
  • decimals
  • logoURI
  • name
  • symbol