Fee taken by the bridge
Average estimated length of time (in minutes) this transfer will take to complete
Gas limit for the deposit
The status of the current transfer step. It should be in one of these values: allowance' | 'approve' | 'send' | 'nativeStaking' | 'bridge' | 'sign' | 'claim';
Name of the underlying contract integration associated with this quote. Bridges, DEXs, Staking Providers, and Lending Protocols
Category of transaction including contract-call execution type
Specifies the type of fee. Possible values includes: 1. network gas fee 2. bridge fee 3. partner fee associated with the transfer
Fee amount in wei
Fee amount converted to USD$ equivalent
Specifies the token symbol this fee is being deducted in
Specifies the token address this fee is being deducted in
Specifies the chain this fee is being deducted from
Specifies whether this fee is deducted from the original source token amount. If false, this implies that this is an additional fee on top of the source token amount