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  • Submitted: meaning that the token is still on the source chain. The source chain tx is in pending status.
  • Pending Source Chain: The tx on source chain is done, but the tx doesn’t appear on the dst chain yet. 2a. In case of token transfer, the bridge router is moving assets from source chain to destination chain. 2b. In case of cross-chain swap, this means either our contract is depositing token to the bridge contract or the bridge contract is finished but bridge router is moving assets from source chain to destination chain.
  • Pending Destination Chain: The tx appears on the destination chain but it is still running.
  • Completed: Token is delivered to use’s wallet on dest chain yet.
  • Refund Required: Token is stuck on the bridge and required refund. (e.g. In case of Celer, clients need to call /refund endpoint).
  • Refunded: Refund is successful. No more action needed.
  • Failed Source Chain: Transaction failed on the source chain 1a. In case of the token transfer, this means we cannot invoke the bridge contract. The token will be returned back to user’s wallet on the source chain. 1b. In case of the cross-chain swap, this means our contract fails or we failed to invoke the bridge contract. The token will be returned back to the user’s wallet on the source chain.
  • Failed Destination Chain: Transaction failed on the destination chain. 3a. In case of the token transfer, this shouldn't happen. 3b. In case of the cross-chain swap, this means our contract failed to run and the bridge token was sent to the user’s wallet on the destination chain.
  • Fallback: The token swap fails on the destination chain and instead of getting the toToken got the bridge token.
  • Pending Source Chain: The tx on source chain is done, but the tx doesn’t appear on the dst chain yet. 2a. In case of token transfer, the bridge router is moving assets from source chain to destination chain. 2b. In case of cross-chain swap, this means either our contract is depositing token to the bridge contract or the bridge contract is finished but bridge router is moving assets from source chain to destination chain.
  • Pending Destination Chain: The tx appears on the destination chain but it is still running.
  • Completed: Token is delivered to use’s wallet on dest chain yet.
  • Refund Required: Token is stuck on the bridge and required refund. (e.g. In case of Celer, clients need to call /refund endpoint).
  • Refunded: Refund is successful. No more action needed.
  • Failed Source Chain: Transaction failed on the source chain 1a. In case of the token transfer, this means we cannot invoke the bridge contract. The token will be returned back to user’s wallet on the source chain. 1b. In case of the cross-chain swap, this means our contract fails or we failed to invoke the bridge contract. The token will be returned back to the user’s wallet on the source chain.
  • Failed Destination Chain: Transaction failed on the destination chain. 3a. In case of the token transfer, this shouldn't happen. 3b. In case of the cross-chain swap, this means our contract failed to run and the bridge token was sent to the user’s wallet on the destination chain.
  • Not Sent: The tx didn't send and was stopped at approval step.
Allowed values:
SubmittedPending Source ChainPending Destination ChainCompletedRefund RequiredRefundedFailed Source ChainFailed Destination ChainFallbackNot SentClaim Required