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List Available Contracts

Before you can get a quote for a staking, you'll need to choose the contract you want to stake into. The Swing SDK provides a few utility methods to a list of all available contracts. You'll need the contract.id to get a list of quotes and make a deposit.

import { SwingSDK } from '@swing.xyz/sdk';
const swingSDK = new SwingSDK({
  // Your Swing Platform project identifier
  projectId: 'swing-project-id',
// Initialize the SDK with configuration data
await swingSDK.init();
// All available contracts are available
const contracts = swingSDK.contracts;
// Get a single contract by ID
const contract: Contract[] = swingSDK.getContract({ id: 'contract-id' });

Contract Interface

Below you will find the interface returned by the Swing SDK when interacting with contracts.

interface Contract {
  id: string; // Unique Swing Identifier
  type: 'deposit' | 'withdraw';
  address: string; // Deployed contract address
  method: string; // Contract method (eg. deposit, withdraw)
  chain: string;
  inputToken: Token; // Token you send to the contract
  outputToken: Token | null; // Token you receive from the contract
  // Swing's integration provider
  integration: {
    type: 'staking';
    slug: string;
    name: string;
    logo: string;
    monetization: boolean;

Get available staking integrations

You can get list of integrations that support staking by filtering the integrations property.

const stakingIntegrations = swingSDK.integrations.filter(
  (integration) => integration.type === 'staking',

Get available contracts for an integration

If you already know what integration the user wants to use, you can quickly get a list of all contracts for that integration.

const integration = swingSDK.getIntegration('lido');
const contracts = swingSDK.contracts.filter(
  (contract) => contract.integration.slug === integration.slug,

Get available deposit or withdraw contracts

You can get a list of all available deposit or withdraw contracts by calling the getContractsByType method.

const depositContracts = swingSDK.getContractsByType('deposit');
const withdrawContracts = swingSDK.getContractsByType('withdraw');

Get available contracts for a chain

It might be useful to display a list of all available contracts for a chain. You can do this by providing the chainSlug to the getContractsForChain method.

const contracts = swingSDK.getContractsForChain({
  chainSlug: 'ethereum',
  // Optional: Filter by contract type
  // type: 'deposit' | 'withdraw'

Get available contracts for a chain and token

If you already know what token the user wants to deposit, you can quickly get a list of all contracts for the matching chain and token.

const contracts = swingSDK.getContractsForChainToken({
  chainSlug: 'ethereum',
  tokenSymbol: 'ETH',
  // Optional: Filter by contract type
  // type: 'deposit' | 'withdraw'

Get available staking tokens

You can get a list of all available staking tokens by calling the getAvailableStakingTokens method.

const stakingTokens = swingSDK.getAvailableStakingTokens({
  // Optional: Filter by chain
  // chainSlug: 'ethereum',
  // Optional: Filter by contract type
  // type: 'deposit' | 'withdraw'