Setup your first project

Swing platform enables you to manage cross-chain configurations, monitor transaction metrics and set fees. Let’s get started and setup your first project.

1. Create your account

Sign up at using your Google account or email address

2. Choose your integration type

Select an integration: API, SDK or Widget

Swing Project Type

3. Name your project

Your project should have a name that relates to your team, website, or business name. This name will be used to create a distinctive project identifier, which you will need to incorporate in your code to connect your Swing integration with your Swing platform project.

Swing Project Name

4. Integrate your Project Identifier

The Project Identifier serves the purpose of identifying your application that interacts with Swing’s Widget, SDK, or API. By integrating with the Swing project identifier, you can apply configurations and track transaction metrics for your Swing-integrated application.

A single project identifier can be setup for multiple integration types (ie. API, SDK, Widget). Depending on the integration type, follow the instructions on how to use the project identifier:

Widget Integration

Integrate your project with the Swing Widget.

SDK Integration

Integrate your project with the Swing SDK.

API Integration

Integrate your project with the Swing API.